All tax documents at your fingertips in just a few clicks
![picture of two people in office and showing each other something](
Find all documents quickly
Central filing
All documents from the tax office and your tools are organized and stored centrally in your document storage.
![Picture of 2 people sitting in the office and chatting with each other](
Security and privacy
Your documents are stored with the highest level of security, so they are always protected.
Manage accesses
Determine who in the company has access and is notified when new tax documents are uploaded.
How does it work?
Uploading documents
All tax documents from all tools are uploaded directly to your Integral account.
Get notifications
As soon as important documents have been uploaded, we will notify you.
Easy access
All documents can be shared and downloaded with employees at any time. You have control over access rights.
What our customers say
Frequently asked questions
All documents related to your tax matters should be available on the platform. If an additional document is required, you can let your accountant know.
As soon as important new documents are uploaded, you will receive a notification. You can adjust notification settings in Settings.
Documents can be shared via a link or directly with other users on the platform.
Talk to
our experts.
![Profile Picture of Markus Thomas Boldt](